Thursday, 5 May 2011

Tukaram Gatha - Translation of select abhangs Part 3

A harvesting implement of iron is turned into gold after Midas Touch. Now its curved shape does not look ugly.

Whatever pressure is there on the mind, it is causing much uneasiness. Later one finds through experience that the pressure was not that much disturbing as was made out to be.

A dead tiger filled with stuff appears like a tiger. Actually it is not a tiger. A coin with gold plating is not a coin of gold. This fact is clear if it is observed closely. A monkey dances as per the training of its master, it does not have any talents of its own. Tukaram Maharaj says, he who keeps stock of absurd virtues has to suffer embarrassment.

Dharma demands that they who have wandered away from the path of truth should be brought back. There is no sin for using force to bring back such persons. Doing so adds to the stock of virtues. A person cannot be cured of a disease unless he swallows a bitter pill.

Because of the downtrodden people like us the God has got the status of the uplifter of downtrodden. Darkness has given greatness to light. Doctors are revered due to persons suffering from diseases. Gold is great because of bronze.

Those, who end life of others for enjoying meat, will understand the gravity of their actions on suffering the consequences.

Those, who are weak, think that God is also weak. Foolish offend the intellectuals in a gathering. Unmanly persons whisper among themselves on seeing the courageous ones. Face the truth without jealousy for others.

A monkey sees the outer tough cover of the coconut. A sane person enjoys the inner stuff of the coconut. A person receives benefit from the philosophy taught to him depending on his ability to assimilate the knowledge. An ignorant just ignores whatever is taught to him. Fools carry the weight of ego. Intelligent ones assimilate the knowledge.

He, who has merged his identity with the God, cannot see others suffering. Tukaram Maharaj says, making the mind calm is the true worship.

He, who rakes up quarrels, is always embroiled somewhere or other. A grass on the banks of a river is not uprooted by the flow of water. A tough one is always challenged by a harsh one. Everyone likes him, who loves to be in harmony with anyone.

If bad elements in the society are not penalised then they will be nuisance for all. If grass is not weeded out then harvest wont be good. Levying a penalty on evil is not a vice. Honest persons should not be put to trouble.

The form of acquiring merit should not be like filling a tank. It should take a form of unending source of water.

Speak such words that will cause your benefit. Tukaram Maharaj says, purify yourself instead of pointing out impurities of others.

Nothing will accompany while departing from this world even if wealth of crores is accumulated. However comfortable may be your bed but the last rest will be on the bare ground. You keep your mouth fresh by chewing mouth fresheners. But on the last day, the mouth will be dry. Being away from truth is always a cause of agony.

Respect and place in a society does not come free of cost. One has to wear out for its gain.

Jealousy to others, cruel mind, taking extreme positions are the signs of being evil. Whatever is in the mind that manifests itself in the behaviour? Good people always have regard to the time while behaving. They are always equanimous and pure.

If mother goes away child wont be comfortable for a second. The child becomes uneasy. Others may try to pacify the child but they could not. The child does not like to hear anything from others but dances with joy on seeing the mother. Tukaram Maharaj says, Mother Vitthal I dont like anything without you.

His devotees do not have fear or worries. Narayan takes care of all miseries. There is no need to be affected by the push and pulls of the world, Narayan is standing near. Let there be patience always and let there be equanimity. Tukaram Maharaj says, my friend Panduranga has occupied the whole universe.

Baked seeds were sown in the field. Now whether uncle will pay for the land revenue? He who does not know how to maintain the activity should not take the pains of initiating the activity.

A black sugar cane contains sweet juice. One should value the sweet juice and ignore the black cover.

Pandavas were sent to exile in the woods but they held God in their hearts. Pralhada was tortured by his father but still he meditated on Narayana in his mind. Sudama, a brahmin, was afflicted by poverty but he did not forget Narayana. Tukaram Maharaj says, O God we should not forget you even at the time of being under the mountain of miseries.

On meeting a rich person he serves him by spending his own money. This is not a good thing and does not result in any addition to the stock of virtue. He does not offer water to a thirsty person and offers wholesome meals to one who is satisfied. He does not even talk to someone and tells others that he is their servant. On seeing one he hides a piece of bread and invites other to lunch by grasping his feet. He, who behaves like this, is a donkey and wastes his life.

Dont rejoice at others misery. For a moment you may feel happy but later on you will suffer. Abstain from such thinking that is sinful. Jealousy having taken roots in the mind will lead to a total disaster. Anger reduces stock of virtues. Whatever happens that does happen due to the effect of our past actions.

He whose devotion is for making money, what knowledge can he gain. He is meditating with his mind full of lust, how God can reside in his mind. He keeps his eyes on fruits of work, can he ever be united with the God. His mind is always engrossed with sensual subjects, whether he can understand the God. Tukaram Maharaj says, that those who remember God with such motives will burn their faces.

Tukaram Maharaj says, many people claim to have acquired the status of God. They will experience downfall. God has lifted the earth in his incarnation in the form of Warah. Can you lift a bag of grain? God has killed many monsters and demons. Can you break a leaf of grass? He who longs for the status of God should be considered as a mine of meanness.

A person thought that he was one with the all-pervading Brahma. He saw a donkey and tried to catch hold of it as donkey was also Brahma. Donkey kicked him and ran away. Now the status of oneness with Brahma has also gone and donkey has also gone.

He, who has an unueasy mind, may not come before our eyes. Such a person is actually devoid of life. He, who has polluted his speech by dirty words, should not speak to us. Tukaram Maharaj says, one should always speak for causing welfare of others.

If others' ladies are considered as our mothers then for that no money is spent. If we do not indulge in saying bad words for others or if we do not crave for others' wealth then we are not put to any odd. There is no great labour involved for doing meditation. If we trust words of saints then we are not doing anything onerous. For speaking the truth what are the pains to be taken, tell me. Tukaram Maharaj says, God can be realised only through such actions and no special efforts are required for that.

One, who is able to control his sense-organs, is capable of forgiving others. Such a person gains recognition and establishes his relation with God. Even if a huge agricultural field has been inherited then that won't give harvest unless it is cultivated. Tukaram Maharaj says, one should understand this fact without burning one's heart.

He, who does not have sense of behaving, is bound to perish.

Brush aside your notions of earning good name and getting offended. He, who has an equanimous mind, is realising the God. A peaceful mind is not affected by the happenings around. Tukaram Maharaj says, the basic thing is that one should be able to bear the ripple created in one's mind.

Tukaram Maharaj says, that the basic thing is only this much. The mind should bear whatever happens to it. There should not arise any cravings and aversions in the mind. Let all the ripples in the mind be offered to Panduranga. Tukaram Maharaj says, let me tell you the crux of all the techniques that relieve you of your sorrows. Renounce your ego.

He, who is not of pure mind and is argumentative, should be identified as a man of low breed. He, who does not believe in Vedas and Neetis and who does not listen to the elders, is an evil person. He should be considered as untouchable as wine.

He, who does not have patience while speaking and whose mind is not stable. He, who condemns saints and praises evil persons and maintains difference in his thoughts and words. Neither such person should have meals with me nor should he come before my eyes.

At his home his wife and children are hungry. He glorifies himself in the public. What will he show to someone who is willing to see his house? This person, who has lost his face face, won't see others eye to eye. Tukaram Maharaj says, we understand the truth about such persons and won't be fooled.

He offers everything to God and still offends God. This is very strange. What to say to such person? He says that he has renounced the world and is affected by the music of the world. What a terror this is? Such persons make laziness their accomplice and go waste.

If you panic then you become more panicky. He who has patience is courageous. If nothing is done then such nonsense is absurd. Many will agree to your plans but none will come forward to do your work. Tukaram Maharaj says, don't allow a single moment to slip out of your hands.

A flower does not know the value of its fragrance. A bee enjoys fragrance of the flower. Similarly God does not know the happiness that comes from abiding to his qualities. That is only known to the devotees of God. A cow feeds on grass and offers sweet milk to her calf. A virtuous person cannot enjoy his virtue. That is enjoyed by others. A shell nurtures a gem but the gem is enjoyed by someone else.

Let the dogs bark. We need not learn from them. The devotees should not give their ears to the wicked. The wicked should be made to suffer as much as we can make them to suffer. There is no sin in making wicked suffer.

A measure does job of filling bag of a receiver from the stock of grain. Having finished its job the measure is empty. That is what a preacher is. He should not raise his ego for his preachings. A coin commands value because of the guarantee given by the government. Otherwise what value it will fetch? He is great who is controlling the theme.

Tukaram Maharaj says, he is fond of teaching ethics to the society. He wants to embarrass the wrong doers. He is selling the unlimited stock of truth. Therefore he is neither concerned about the anger of public nor he is misguided by ignorance.

He, who is thirsty, has come to the banks of Ganga. He, who is hungry, has got nectar. This is what has happened to me after installing the beautiful idol of Vitthal in my mind.

A mother is feeding her child. Now the child need not bother or worry. Let us sing and dance to celebrate our happiness. Now we are no different. Everything has become one. Now no worries for the next birth.

Free mind and sweet speech are very great qualities. He, who is blessed with such qualities, earns wealth and good fortune. Politeness that is being polite to all and not changing the colors of mind. One becomes satisfied on remembering a person having aforesaid qualities.

A donkey was applied sandalwood on its body. It immediately mixes sandalwood with ash. A person's basic traits cannot be changed. A valuable gem was tied to the neck of a monkey. It has spitted the gem after chewing it. He, who does not like his well-being, does harm to himself on his own.

People are God but still we should touch only their feet. We cannot control temperament of people. Fire is courteous as long as it relieves someone of cold. One should not carry fire in one's arms. Tukaram Maharaj says, snakes and scorpions are also forms of God. But such creatures should be paid respect by maintaining safe distance and should not be touched.

He, who supports anyone comiting a sin, becomes a party to the sin. Both are doomed for the same downfall. Nectar turns into poison when it is mixed with the poison.

All welfare is accomplished when association with wicked is shunned. If an animal is seen as entering into a field for grazing then one should shout loudly at that time. One, who does not yield to comforts of avoiding labour, can perform his duty.

Let such wicked be many. They are doing a service to us. They washout our meanness without charging for the soap. They are labourers without wages who carry weight. We are purified due to their actions while they themselves go to hell.

An honest person is one who listens to the truth. The wicked torture others. A devotee speaks his experience. A liar speaks senseless. He, who causes well being of others, is good. Adamant does not have mercy. He who understands the structure knows his level. One who is ignorant lays anywhere. One who does harm to oneself instead of doing any good is wayward.

Someone like him is very rarely seen who attains to that happiness. Likes of such are many who wander away after asking for the path. Those are blessed who are able to get to the roots of the pairs of opposites. Others are dancing without any sense. He is united with the God whose mind is attentive at all times. He, who is confused, is entangled in something petty. He is in the state of complete meditation whose mind is equanimous and satisfied. He who just closes his eyes is pretending. For realising God one has to offer one's mind and wealth to God.

He, who is full of lust, neither has any fear nor is ashamed of anything. For him his body does not have any purpose and is like a leaf of grass. He dances to the tune of his destiny (effect of accumulated actions). He has all attachment for wealth and is concerned about nothing else. He, who is hungry, is least concerned about his preference for food served to him.

Who is the creator and who is the creation? Who is the beggar and who is the donor? Who is exploiting and who is being exploited? Who is beautiful and who is ugly? Tukaram Maharaj says, I am not able to get any answer to the above questions. To me the all-pervading God is present everywhere.

If the foundation is strong then a great castle can be built. Learn to bear the blows of joy and sadness. Let the mind become free from cravings and aversions. Let the ego die.

There won't be any prestige among people for wearing clothes of others. People will only laugh at such person. What is the benefit of stirring butter-milk or beating dust? Nothing is obtained and the efforts are wasted. Creation of capital is not possible without systematic efforts. Third grade grain received in alms cannot be used as seed for sowing in the field.

Through persistent efforts even the tender roots of a tree are able to pierce through the rock.

Showing mercy means protecting the afflicted and destroying the wicked.

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